Large detached property on the edge of Pano
Stroumbi (approx 3 miles from Yiolou Village) on the B7 route.
15 minutes from town centre of Paphos; 25 minutes from Latchi
Beach/Coral Bay - depending on route. Built circa. late 1940's
early 1950's village house. Regular amenities; kitchen,
bathroom & WC, further WC outside, shower, living room 2
bedrooms. On lower level of property there are 5 rooms
currently used for storage but offer potential for ground floor flat
or additional bedrooms/amenities to the property. Gates
surround the property and garden. Scope for garage or other
extension, subject to planning permission.

A stone made house detached from the rest of
the close knit village. It is quite large and for the ambitious
buyer, has
plenty of potential for impressively sized extension / garage and
scope to
split the main property into two good sized flats.